If you were unable to watch the entire 300+ episodes and wanted to start a binge somewhere with nothing but hilariousness, somewhere in this era would be recommended. Peak of its powers (Seasons 7-14) At least in my opinion, the hit to miss ratio is off the charts during the middle years of this series. Kenny keeps dying - but the bit ends after Season 6. "Scott Tenorman Must Die," came from this period, as did controversial episodes like "Super Best Friends" and "Simpsons Did It." These are fantastic episodes as the show's trajectory surges up.
Best south park episodes to watch movie#
The Shock Years (Seasons 4-6) After the success of the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut in 2000, the show got raunchier and pushed boundaries, hard. The show also has a humor level that is a bit less mature that in its later years. The Early Years (Seasons 1-3) It's a little crude animation-wise, and a bit dated humor-wise, but there are some absolute gems as the show finds its footing in its first few seasons - like "Starving Marvin," or "Red Badge of Gayness." In each of these episodes, Kenny dies. There really are a few different eras of South Park, each with their own merits and drawbacks. As such, some of the episode titles and subject matter of the article below may be offensive. South Park is a no-holds-barred show that really makes fun, in a deep and raw way, of every single religion, nationality, creed, celebrity and controversy you can think of. Now here's a look at one of the most controversial shows ever to grace American televisions: South Park. We already took a look at the several solid shows worth diving into, like The Simpsons, Seinfeld, BoJack Horseman and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Best south park episodes to watch series#
We've decided to answer those questions, and also provide our suggestions of three episodes to watch first - episodes that best summarize why the show is worth watching to give you a crash course on what makes it great. We are avoiding extremely serialized shows, like Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, The Good Place, and other classics that demand you sit through the entire series start to finish. Is the show worth it? How should I watch it? And what should I know about the series before diving in? We want to help those of you who are considering watching one of the many TV shows available to stream that you haven't had a chance to watch before. If you are on the fence about a show, have had it recommended by friends or are simply curious, we've got you. There is just too much TV content out there for you to watch everything. That's where we come in.