However, thinking that Squidward still needs to learn his lesson, Mr. Krabs later calls to check on Squidward, to which the latter claims he is all better and begs the former to let him come to work. When Squidward sees the way it is treated, he then says it is actually "Plerkington's syndrome," which SpongeBob "cures" by using leeches to suck Squidward's blood, jellyfish to electrocute Squidward, and using a rake to clear the leaves in Squidward's lungs.

Squidward then claims he has "acute spotting sclorboritis," but he realizes it is actually real when SpongeBob finds it in a book. SpongeBob then realizes that he has been treating the symptoms instead of the disease. Squidward's fake disease turns out to be real. SpongeBob then gets a bunch of ice from the mountains to cool Squidward down. SpongeBob then concludes that Squidward is better now and they can go back to work, but Squidward tricks SpongeBob by sticking the thermometer into the oven, making it break. SpongeBob later checks Squidward's temperature, only to find that it is normal. Squidward tries to relax by finishing his painting, playing his clarinet, and eating his strudel, but SpongeBob constantly annoys him in an attempt to treat his disease. He then goes over to Squidward's house and has SpongeBob take care of him until he is better, much to Squidward's dismay. Krabs and lies about being sick, but the latter is not fooled. Squidward then ultimately decides that instead of going to work, he will stay home and "dive into an ocean of Squidward." He then mopes about the activities he hasn't done, like his unfinished painting, his symphony, and his fresh strudel, which Patrick gobbles up. Krabs forcing him to clean everything up. Squidward wakes up after having a nightmare from working at the Krusty Krab, with the customers yelling at him, SpongeBob annoying him, and Mr. Fish stung by jellyfish (cameo in book).